Unstoppable Speakers
$uccess Summit
Sign Your Speaker Agreement Now >>

Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit, May 24-29, 2021
Summit Speaker Agreement 
FINAL APPROVAL: Summit Speakers are required to read in its entirety the Summit Speaker Agreement, sign and date it, as well as complete the required Summit Speaker Information request, which will be sent via email for approval. Summit Speakers are selected at the sole discretion of High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting.  

PRESENTATION LENGTH: Each Speaker Video Interview will be approximately 20 minutes in length.  
VIDEO RECORDING SET UP:  AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, will provide the Zoom link and access codes to the Summit Speakers and the registered participants. Participants will register on the Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit website. The Summit Speaker Interview Video Recording will be sent to all registered participants and the Summit Speakers.
SUMMIT SPEAKER'S IMAGE, BIO, TOPIC and DESCRIPTION:  The Summit Speaker agrees to allow AmondaRose Igoe and High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting the unlimited use of their image, bio, topic and description for the promotion of the Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit Interview. The Summit Speaker grants AmondaRose Igoe and High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting the perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to record the Summit Speakers' appearance and/or participation on audio-video recordings, broadcasts, or any other medium. The Summit Speaker gives AmondaRose Igoe and High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting authorization to use their name (or any fictional or corporate name) in connection with these recordings for written, electronic (audio-video) web publications.   
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The training material the Summit Speaker shares during their interview will remain solely theirs.
SUMMIT INTERVIEW VIDEO AND AUDIO RECORDING:  The Summit Speaker grants AmondaRose Igoe and High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting the right to reproduce, distribute in print, electronic, or any other medium, copies of the recordings, in whole or in part.  If the program or a portion of the program in which the Summit Speaker's name, voice, appearance, or likeness or any matter or material furnished is recorded, broadcast, or sold, the Summit Speaker hereby releases said matter in perpetuity to AmondaRose Igoe and High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, without prejudice and acknowledges that he/she will receive no compensation for such appearances or recordings. The Summit Speaker waives all rights of copyright or ownership in or to the resulting commercial materials in which they appear and acknowledge no monetary or other compensation is provided in exchange for waiving this right. The Summit Speaker agrees to allow all forms of distribution of their Summit Interview that accompany the images or my voice.
PRODUCT/SERVICES/COURSES: The Summit Speaker will be given an opportunity to promote one free/complimentary offer at the end of their interview. The Summit Speaker is responsible for:

  • Having a specific website page dedicated to this special offer. The attendees will be directed to this website page to access the free give-away at the end of the interview. The Summit Speaker agrees to limit sales solicitations to one specific free give-away / opt-in.   
  • AmondaRose Igoe reserves the right to stop the Summit Speaker in progress if more than one free give-away / opt-in is offered.  
  • The Summit Speaker's free give-away / opt-in can include a "non-promotional" email campaign to nurture their new leads before offering programs, products and services. 
  • The Summit Speaker further understands that while they can nurture the new leads acquired from this Summit, they agree that for the first two weeks after the Summit ends, they will not offer paid products, programs or services to the new leads.
SUMMIT SPEAKER AFFILIATE AGREEMENT:  AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, will provide a unique "Affiliate Link" to identify the visitors originating from each Summit Speaker.

AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, will pay an Affiliate commission of 50% of the total amount collected for each Affiliate sale of The Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit Replays, purchase price ranging from $47 to $97.

Each sale of the Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit Replays will be tracked back to the Summit Speaker when the visitor uses their Affiliate Link. Affiliate Commissions shall be paid by PayPal to an email address specified by Affiliate for this purpose, or as otherwise directed in writing via email.  AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting reserve the right to make payments using other standard payment forms.

All Affiliate Commissions earned during a monthly period will be paid within 30 days of the purchase. Although the Affiliate Program is not limited to the United States, all payments will be made in U.S. dollars. If a qualifying sale is canceled or refunded, the related Commissions will be deducted from the next monthly payment. Affiliate will not be paid for its orders of the Product.

AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, will make every reasonable effort to track and pay Commissions for all sales that apply to Summit Speaker Affiliate. However, AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting, is not responsible for technical problems, acts by third parties, or other events outside our reasonable control, which may temporarily disrupt or diminish this Affiliate service.

The term "Affiliate" shall not be interpreted as a legal partner or Affiliate, simply as an independent business doing marketing for the Unstoppable Speakers $uccess Summit under this Agreement. Affiliates are NOT employees, or legal partners of AmondaRose Igoe, High Performance Speaking Training and Consulting. Affiliates are responsible for their local, state, or country taxes. 
SUMMIT ATTENDEE NAMES AND ADDRESSES: The Summit Speaker will NOT be entitled to the name or address of any other person attending the Summit and will not make any other attempt to collect or solicit names and addresses outside of their free-give away / opt-in offer during the summit interview and the information posted on the replay page.  
PROMOTING THE SUMMIT: To support the Summit Success for all participants, we are expecting all Summit Speakers to promote the event, which includes and is not limited to:

  • The Summit Speaker agrees to send a minimum of 1 solo email to your email list during the promotional period from May 9 - 23, 2021. 
  • The Summit Speaker agrees to provide additional promotion via an email newsletter blurb during the promotional period, from May 9 - 23, 2021. 
  • The Summit Speaker agrees to promote the Summit numerous times on all their social media profiles and pages during the promotional and the Summit dates from May 9 - 29, 2021. 
  • All promotional images, text, banners and Affiliate sharing links will be provided in advance of promoting the Summit. 
The writing contains the full essence of the Agreement between the parties hereto, and there are no other representations or understandings, either verbal or written, between parties.

This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the parties' benefits hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and/or assigns.
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